About this site

Useful links and resources

learning resources for beginners

R for Data Science

A free online book (or you can buy a hard copy) by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund. Get started with the Tidyverse.

Learning Statistics with R

Written by Dani Navarro for psych students, its funny and well written and recently converted by Emily Kothe into a bookdown site.

RStudio Education

The new website from the RStudio Education team compiles links to resources for both learners and teachers. No matter where you are on your learning journey- you will find something useful here.


Online modules by RLadies Sydney designed by beginners for beginners. Walk through Basic Basics, Clean it Up, VizWhiz and MarkyMark (aka RMarkdown).


Need to learn how to do X in R? You can try google or twitter, or check out the curated list of packages/tools at Awesome R. The list for reproducible research is a good place to start.


Association for Interdiscipliary Meta-research & Open Science

