
A starting point for discussions about the definitions of meritget.

Charles T. Gray (R-Ladies) , Jen Richmond (R-Ladies)

We wish to optimise our walkthrough for enjoyment and utility. We choose the term walkthrough for its roots in video gaming, where it describes a helper system designed to optimise the gaming experience of a certain player type or level. We propose a walkthrough have both extrinsic and intrinsic incentives. In a research context, the extrinsic incentive is a given. We propose building a walkthrough with the objective of fostering meritget.

In the 2009 Nintendo hand=held DS game Scribblenauts, the player is informed of “merit get”, when a trophy, “merit”, is earned. (image source wikipedia)
In the 2009 Nintendo hand=held DS game Scribblenauts, the player is informed of “merit get”, when a trophy, “merit”, is earned. (image source wikipedia)

We informally define meritget to be the moment when you turn to the person beside you and high-five at an unconference such as AIMOS. A working formal definition of meritget is an intrinsic incentive that does not have extrinsic value but sparks joy in the user.

A possible line of discussion for the hackathon is a formal definition of meritget and specifically how we tried to achieve meritget in our walkthrough for data analysis.

We asked around ahead of aimos what people think of as their personal meritgets in their own data science workflow. Here are some of the responses:

Still not 100% sure I understand the definition. But I think for me it was when I made it so all the programs I use automatically open on different workspaces in the setup I use for working. Also, linking GitHub issues to GitHub comments and commits makes me unreasonably happy 😀

— Steffi LaZerte (@steffilazerte) November 3, 2019

I 💖💖💖 the new windows terminal! I use it and #CascadiaCode everywhere 😍 Fab work by @cinnamon_msft and her team 💗

— Dr. Sarah Kaiser 🔜 #HackadaySupercon (@crazy4pi314) November 4, 2019

In Rconsole (on windows)

background = grey15
normaltext = cornsilk

— Michael Sumner (@mdsumner) November 4, 2019

I think that connecting RStudio to Git counts as a meritget ☺️

I got it done swiftly (thanks, once more, to Happy Git with R) last Thursday for my newish lapblet (laptop/tablet)

— Laura Ación (@_lacion_) November 3, 2019

Also, since I use R on Windows and sometimes don't want to go as far as opening up RStudio (but also don't want to have to deal with silly things like no arrow keys), I've been really happy with Radian

— James Goldie (@rensa_co) November 3, 2019