R-Ladies AIMOS

Let’s start at the very beginning…

Researchers who are interested in open science, replication, and reproducibility often use R. But how did they learn it? Research methods courses are typically not taught in R. If you are not terribly familiar with coding in general, teaching yourself how to code in R is a big task, and doing it by yourself is lonely and frustrating.

If you have been thinking of trying R but been scared of “writing code”, this session is for you. Join folks from R-Ladies and start your journey towards reproducible analysis. You will learn how to find your way around RStudio, get your OWN data into R, clean it up a little, and generate some summary stats and plots.

By the end of the workshop you will be able to…

  1. Find your way around RStudio
  2. Set up an R project and understand how to use the here package to avoid filepath drama
  3. Read your datafile into R, using functions from the readr package
  4. Learn how to clean with the janitor package
  5. Convert your data from wide to long format and back again using functions from tidyr
  6. Get summary statistics using functions from skimr and dplyr
  7. Plot your data using ggplot

But perhaps most importantly, we will show you how to use google to find solutions to your R problems and how to recognise when your google search has found a solution.

This is a BYO data session.

Bring a datafile (preferably in .csv format but .sav, .xls, .sas are also fine) that you would like to work with in R.

This workshop will be a good fit for you if…